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Beako-Time in Arc 4, Part 2

Previously on what happened :

Beatrice ditches Subaru on abandoned laboratory in Sanctuary with Door Crossing. He dies shortly after by something blowing a hole on his stomach.

After waking up from his death, Subaru immediately goes for Roswaal, who will know best about Beatrice excluding Puck.

He first questions him about the contract with Beatrice, which Roswaal answers he doesn't have any contract with her. Roswaal explains Beatrice is bound to the contract 400 years ago, and he should make her terminate the contract to get her out of Forbidden Archive. It makes Subaru suspicious of Roswaal, because he never told Roswaal anything about getting her out.

Nevertheless, his second question is about the Gospel. Roswaal explains the Gospels used by Witch Cult are incomplete and there's only 2 complete Gospels. One is possessed by Beatrice, and other is possessed by... Roswaal himself, as he reveals the book in front of Subaru.

From then, Subaru's head is occupied by only one thought.

[Subaru : It's written about what would happen next...]

[Roswaal : Not every-thing is written down. But future of the holder can be known by read-ing it.]

[Subaru : Did you know... this talk would happen?]

[Roswaal : It's somewhat difficult to make it exactly happen as written. I want to be recommended for my hidden efforts a little.]

[Subaru : If you knew it would happen like this... You, left Rem to die fully knowing what would happen, did you?]

[Roswaal : Rem? Wh-o are you talk-ing about?]

[Subaru : I WILL F....ING KILL YOU, ROSWAAL!] (Strangling Roswaal with his hands)

Long story short, he again messes up and dies again, and again.

Then, when he returns by death, he immediately goes for Roswaal's mansion. To prevent Elsa from massacring everyone in a mansion (Which has few days left), Subaru first persuades Petra to leave the mansion tonight and stay home for a while, has a little discussion with Frederica, then visits the Forbidden Archive, which he could find with ease this time.

Beatrice is already ready for conversation, with the Gospel on her lap.

[Beatrice : Long, long, and long contract will finally ends. Ending the end of end, Betty will be finally free from stagnation.]

[Subaru : You're having that all-knowing face because of that book, do you?]

[Beatrice : What do you know about the book?]

[Subaru : Roswaal has explained it for me and I know few details about it. It's similar to ones Witch Cult has, but superior, only 2 left in this world, one is on Roswaal, one is on you.]

[Beatrice : Roswaal has really light mouth. I can imagine him spilling everything with joy, I suppose.]

[Subaru : I don't understand your relationship with Roswaal, too. Sharing 2 books and living in the same house.]

[Beatrice : Tell me more clearly.]

[Subaru : I don't understand which side you're on. I now understand Roswaal's standing. His house made the contract with Witch of Greed, which continued on till now. While I don't understand his reason for maintaining Sanctuary or supporting Emilia for Royal Selection. I don't see your role in all this. Roswaal must be the Disciple of Witch of Greed]

He remembers Roswaal never called her 'Witch of Greed', always referring her by name, Echidna.

[Subaru : Gospel... I don't know if that complete ones and incomplete ones are all made by same person. My speculation is that while I don't know about Witch Cult ones, I can assume who made that complete ones.]

[Beatrice : Who... I suppose.]

[Subaru : Echidna. Gospels you and Roswaal have are made by Echidna. I assume Roswaal has inherited it from Mathers House. Then, how could you have that in your possession?]

Then, his talk shifts into Beatrice's Door Crossing.

[Beatrice : Betty's Door Crossing connects spaces in the same building, or right next known position. It can't go that distant, I suppose.]

[Subaru : Don't you have one more condition?]

[Beatrice : Betty has no reason to reveal it to you, I suppose.]

[Subaru : Then, I will answer that. You can connect the place which has deep connection with you, no matter how far it is. Isn't it?]

Subaru finalizes his conclusion.

[Subaru : You have the Gospel made by Echidna, and used Door Crossing connecting here and Sanctuary. That means...]

[Beatrice : Stop now!]

[Subaru : I won't stop. I know this place and Sanctuary are connected by Door Crossing. And, the reason is already confirmed from your reaction. Beatrice, you're also related to Sanctuary. What's your relationship with Echidna?]

[Subaru : Beatrice, who's your contractor? I assumed you made the contract with Roswaal because this is his mansion. But, I now doubt it.]

[Subaru : You're the spirit contracted with Echidna.]

Beatrice breaks down and drops her Gospel, which spilled its papers all over the floor. Subaru is surprised that all papers are blank, when Petelguese's one was full with letters.

[Subaru : Why complete one doesn't show the future? Only the holder can read? Can't I compare it with Petelguese's one?]

[Beatrice : It has been for years, when the Gospel never showed the future to Betty...]

[Beatrice : Betty's role was maintaining this Archive, protecting this place for the reunion, I suppose.]

[Subaru : Archive, here? You're telling me those books are all Echidna's.]

[Beatrice : She loved collecting knowledge.]

[Subaru : You told me Gospel hasn't told your future for years.]

[Beatrice : It's true.]

[Subaru : I don't doubt you. No, I should doubt you. But, so, if it isn't... you... without anything on Gospel...]

He is relieved that Beatrice helped him in the past on her will, not for the Gospel as he assumed before.

[Subaru : Why did you help me before, even without the Gospel mentioning?]

[Beatrice : Why Betty... has helped you...]

[Subaru : No matter the Gospel, you...]

[Beatrice : It was her last words. Soon, 'That Person' will visit Betty's Archive. Protect it till then.]

[Subaru : 'That Person'?]

[Beatrice : I was told, I suppose. The role to protect the Forbidden Archive until 'That Person' comes. Betty don't know if you're That Person.]

[Beatrice : Betty don't know if you're That Person. doesn't matter whether you are That Person or not, I suppose. I don't care if you are not now. So...]

[Subaru : Bea-]

[Beatrice : Kill Betty now, and terminate this contract, I suppose. Ending the end of end, and let Betty rest, I suppose.]

[Beatrice : You, become That Person-]

Of course, Subaru is shocked, and Beatrice continues her talk.

[Subaru : I don't understand you. You're wishing for your death.]

[Beatrice : it is little bit different from wanting death. Betty just wants to terminate the contract. Free Betty from this binding contract for eternity.]

[Subaru : If the mean to end it is dying, what's different?!]

Beatrice explains she was waiting for 400 years in this Archive, following Echidna's contract.

[Beatrice : I wasn't nervous. Betty had the Gospel. Believing the future it shows, I just had to wait for That Person to show up in the page of the Gospel. Wait and it will come, I believed. It was painful every time I confirm it didn't change. I dreamed of new sentences appearing in the Gospel several times. Imagining unknown That Person coming into Archive, and complete my contract for several times.]

[Subaru : Beatrice...]

[Beatrice : Mathers Mansion had many visitors. Some of them could open the Forbidden Archive, and every time the Archive was open, Betty was betrayed. And, I finally realized, no, I already realized.]

[Beatrice : The Gospel would never show next future for Betty.]

Beatrice than explains the mechanism of the Gospel, which could bring out information from World Record, similar to the original Book of Wisdom Echidna has.

She suddenly shows interest on the Gospel Subaru looted from Petelguese, asking what was written in its final page. Subaru remembers the last sentence, [Give the ordeal to silver-haired half-devil in Mathers Domain]

[Beatrice : Did the Gospel write more after that?]

[Subaru : No, it didn't. At least, what I saw last was the holder's last action. Of course, there should be no addition to the content... But...]

Subaru realizes what Beatrice meant.

[Beatrice : The Gospel doesn't write next contents, because it is the end of holder's future.]

[Subaru : You... you and that guy are different.]

[Beatrice : It's the same, I suppose. Only difference is I'm alive and he's not, isn't it?]

[Subaru: It's not!]

Subaru continuously persuades her with kind words, and Beatrice repeats her request. Then, she finally cries with tears.

[Beatrice : You wanted to help me? support me?]

[Beatrice : If you wanted to do that, why, how...How can you left Betty alone for 400 years!]

[Beatrice : Alone! For how long! Betty was alone here, spending time doing nothing! Lonely! Fearful! Abandoned and unable to complete my duty, keep promise, decay with ages, alone for eternity, I thought! Help me? Save me? Then, why didn't you come earlier!? Why left Betty alone!? If you can talk like that now, why didn't you hug me from the start!? Why did you leave Betty alone!?]

Subaru thinks it is unreasonable for her to blame him, who spent only 2 months with her. However, hearing her cry, he realizes he have underestimated the weight of 400 years, which is nothing compared to the novels or anime he saw, but must be devastating for Beatrice who actually experienced that.

Beatrice reveals there were other people who tried to bring her out, which all failed.

[Beatrice : Contract binding Betty here won't be terminated with clumsy determination. Bound Betty for 400 years, it won't be broken easily to human standard.]

[Subaru : How could I...]

[Beatrice : Consider Betty the most precious. Put Betty first, choose Betty, overwrite the contract, bring out, hug her, all you can never do.]

[Beatrice : You already choose your most precious person. Silver girl, or Blue-haired maid. Either way, you can't consider Betty most precious pushing other two. You can't.]

She concludes contract is absolute and needs corresponding price to overwrite it. Believing her contract will never be complete, she again requests Subaru to kill her.

[Subaru : Contract, is it that heavy? If you really hate it, can't you just terminate it on your own?]

[Beatrice : That's the reason for Betty's life. Betty has born for this contract, and live for this contract. First role to be ordered after birth, and never completed. You're telling me to terminate it as I please.]

[Subaru : It isn't as you please! You already made efforts for 400 years! Keeping one promise for that time, how could anyone blame you for that! You already had enough!]

[Beatrice : Not one role hasn't been completed! Throwing away my reason to be born, to live, how could I live after that!? No one could blame it? Betty will blame it! Betty won't allow it, I suppose! Spirit Beatrice won't allow that makeshift way of life!]

[Beatrice : Contract is absolute to the spirit! Contract is heavier than anything! Bubby is also same! Bubby will prioritize that silver girl for anything! The most precious and loving! If it's Betty and that girl, Bubby will absolutely choose that girl! Even Bubby won't put Betty first!]

[Beatrice : I know you're not That Person in the contract. But, can you become that person for me? Or something different from that person and save Betty? Betty knows the best nothing could be done.]

[Beatrice : So, kill Betty with your hand. Committing suicide is also against the contract, and I need your help.]

[Subaru : Why it's me? Why are you leaving your end of 400 years to me?]

[Beatrice : Why, I suppose.]

Beatrice makes some thought about it, and when she found answer,

[Beatrice : Betty wanting you to end me, it must be...]

She can't finish her sentence when there's uninvited visitor standing on the entrance to her Archive.

[Elsa : Sorry to interrupt, but could I become That Person for you?]

Continues onto Part 3, which will have more... action?

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