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The Date with Emillia-tan

Credits goes to Komomomo

Translator notes : Bear in mind that i suck at translating ok, any correction is welcomed!.... <- double bracket is my komomomo words / explanations, single bracket quotes come from the novel itself

1) sitting on her bed, Emillia watches on as Puck flew about the room, busy with the preparation for the date today.

Emillia: "i don't think you need to fret so much, i'll just dress like how i normally do"

Puck: " absolutely not! regardless of who the date is, for lia, this kind of thing is a first in your life! i must dress you up to be the cutest in the whole world, i will not concede from this point!

Emillia: "oh, that's such an exaggeration"

letting Puck be by himself, Emillia sighed to herself. as her parental figure, Puck have been going at it since last night. Emillia's outfit today, have always been decided by Puck, but for today, it's evident that he spent a lot of thought into it.

Puck: "listen well lia, if Subaru wants to touch lia~ you should never agree so easily~ even if you agree you should just hold hands, not more than that! modesty is very important to a girl, i always taught you about this, you understand?"

Emillia: "i k-n-o-w~~ why don't you just come along if you're so worried~"

even though Puck have been so naggy, he didn't express any desire to go along with the date Subaru asked.

Puck: "i respect a boy's courage, and i'm not that tactless~ but, i have been q~u~i~t~e worried... these conflicting feelings inside of me; as a male wanting to help, and as a father, this unforgiving feeling.... uwuu, lia, what should i do with these conflicting feelings................"

Emillia: "alright alright~"

hearing his whimsical tone, Emillia wonders if Puck is influenced by Subaru. as she tidies herself, she beckoned Puck to her shoulders and buried his cheeks in his paddy paws

Puck: "so then lia, i'm going to sleep in the oudo jewel~ if Subaru displayed any beastly behavior that goes against humanity, just call me out~"

Emillia: "worrying to this extent is not necessary! really, making Subaru to be so evil-sounding!"

as Emillia retorts, Puck has turned into speckles of light and went into the green jewel. she tapped the jewel just as she would tap his forehead, as she walked lightly outside. bit by bit, she noticed it herself, the bubbling excitement at her chest.

2) Emillia: "have you waited long?"

Subaru: " no, i just reached as well"

as they meet each other at the designated tree, Subaru replies. to his reply, Emillia lowered her head, and looked to the roswal manor.

Emillia: "the request to meet outside the manor, or this request to exchange this particular conversation... may i hear what's the purpose?"

how long have Subaru waited here? under the tree, there's plenty of Puck doodles scratched using a branch. looking at it, she understood the "no, i just reached as well" was a lie

Emillia: "uh~huh, so that's how it is. i didn't know there is this kind of purpose"

Subaru: "by the way, even if Emillia-tan is la~te for a very long time, i would still reply "no, i just reached as well" this is the thoughtfulness behind my gentlemanly heart!"

Emillia: "but doesn't that mean that Subaru is la~te for a very long time...."

Subaru: "you don't have to state everything out bluntly you know!?"

3) as Subaru finished explaining the importance behind that stage ((meeting and having that convo)), he started to observe Emillia with his hands on his chin. from up to down, Subaru's gaze made Emillia shrinked slightly.

Emillia: "w-what? is there something strange ?" ((変 is the japanese word for strange))

Subaru: "strange (変) and love (恋) looks very similar, the way Emillia changed a little bit is quite strange, but those bit of strangeness is very charming! speaking of which, Emillia-tan is super cute today! you looked different from the usual...?"

as Subaru noticed the differences with her hairpiece etc, Emillia is surprised at how he pointed out each and every minute detail

Emillia: "because Puck had more drive than usual this morning...."

Subaru: "ohhhh! GOOD JOB! thanks Puck! i even thought he would object to our date as a father"

Emillia: "yup! he must have sat over this issue for very long~ he's sleeping in the jewel now so don't worry~"

Subaru laugh lightly and looked at the jewel, saying "i see" with a relieved expression. and then he coughed one time, and bowed respectfully to Emillia, saying "so now, let's start the first date with Emillia-tan and me!! allowing me to become your escort(attendant) i feel so honored!

4) Emillia looked at Subaru's tidy butler outfit, even though Subaru only wore it because he doesn't have other outfits, to Emillia, his conduct now and outfit is very fitting. and so, Emillia naturally arched her elbow and held his side

Emillia: "um.. is.. is this alright?" as she lightly pulled the corner of Subaru's clothes, head slightly bent, and looking up towards him.

holding hands.... it's not like this feeling, it's more of a puppy-like move full of anxiety. watching Emillia's delicate and charming look of shyness, Subaru couldn't supress the bubbling emotions in his body.

Subaru: " even though it's a bit, it's even better than i thought!? this child is so cute, as fanatical as a demon....."

looking at Subaru who hid his face with his hands, all in all, there is no mistake right?

Emillia: "so, what are we going to do today?"

Subaru: "first we'll go to the village. then after we paid our respects at the grave then we'll go to the aforementioned flower field! yup! relaxing and leisurely!"

bathed under the warm rays of sunlight, Subaru smiled happily. looking at his smiling face, she says "that sounds interesting" as she also shows her captivating cute smile.

5) Emillia: "even though this is the first time i've seen of it, Subaru sure is popular with the village kids"

Subaru tidies his dirtied outfit and sighed "even though their welcome makes me happy, it's quite troubling at the same time"

as the two reached the village and prepared the flowers meant to pay respect, half way through, because of his popularity, they were intercepted by the children. even though he told them it is a very important date, they still don't look like they'll go away.

" oh well~ they behaved themselves slightly better because Emillia is around, if not they'll do even worse stuff"

"you're exaggerating, that's just because they really like Subaru"

"normally they will wipe their snot on my back, i made it a point to avoid that today"

"it's like that normally!?"

as they talked, Subaru noticed the remaining brats behind Emillia

"oi! quit coming here! to interrupt my blissful moment with Emillia is so tactless, go away!"

kids: "ehhhh, that's unreasonable!" "bully!" "bad kid who don't follow promises!"

"who's the bad kids who don't follow promise! speaking of which, you guys can't be near to the forest barrier! go home before the village leader nag again, go play the game i taught you, shoo! shoo!"

shooing them away, the kids continue to grumble but backed away obediently. smiling at the side while watching their interactions, Emillia noticed there's one girl who kept staring at her. as their eyes meet, a flash of remorse showed on the little girl expression, and then "bleh-!" as she stuck her tongue out and ran away.

"tch, that brat petra's attitude sure is bad. i'll teach her a lesson if we meet tomorrow, Emillia tan are you okay? if you received too much shock and are unable to stand, i will gladly hold on to hime-sama~"

"no, i'm used to it. if it's just this level, it's inconsequential" ((komomomo here, Emillia use a very old saying and i don't know a old word for inconsequential:/ ))

" 'inconsequential' i haven't heard this saying for a long time now... no wait.. what do you mean by you're used to it - "

Emillia pull Subaru's sleeve and pressed on, as if she wished that he'll stopped probing her on. he looked slightly surprised, and she wonders what kind of expression Subaru is looking at her face now. and Subaru said nothing. she dislikes this side of her, being relieved and grateful at Subaru's thoughtfulness, and also the side of her acting like a spoilt kid at Subaru's concerned look

8) as they reached the place right before the barriers, Subaru kneeled down and placed his hands together, closing his eyes and lowering his head, as if praying for something. how strange, Emillia thought, as she watch Subaru, a prayer method that she never seen before.. she guessed it must be his customs back in his home. as she lowered her gaze to the flowers, Emillia also placed her hands at her chest to pray for the spirits.

even if it's the mabeast, if they died and returned to mana, their spirits might be cleansed. if the cycle in this place gets a tangible body again, and these feelings are contained in the body then it'll be fine. Emillia was taught like that.

... who taught her that? she can't remember...

Emillia: "i made you cooperate for my own sake, i apologize. it's alright now"

Subaru stood up and smiled at Emillia, it doesn't look like he's forcing himself.. seeing his smile, Emillia nodded and say "next, the flower field....... right?"

in response to Emillia seemingly unenthusiastic words, Subaru striked his pose ((fingers up in the air)) and said "yes, the flower fields! it may sound common, but it's going to surprise you" as if trying to make Emillia excited, Subaru grinned widely.


9) as they went through the forest, a breeze blew past emilia's fringe and she gasped audibly "ah.. wa......wah"

under Subaru's lead, The field of vision that is covered by the thick forest opened up and broadened, at the front of their sight, is this spectacular field with innumerable colors.

fiery red, lively green, light yellow, snowy white, sky blue, pale violets, the entire field of flowers rippled in the wind, like multicolored gorgeous waves, like endless woven tapestry that stretched long and wide, with fragrant aroma as bewitching as wines spread out in the air. this natural scene can easily be likened to a miracle.

"hehe, this used to be those brats' hideout, i had to spent a lot of time to get to know this place~"

"how.. did you get them to tell you?

"it's all for the date with emilia! even if i had to sell my body out to those brats, it's nothing!"

for this promise, how many times have he endured the snot and dirt splattered all over him? thinking of Subaru's future, emilia couldn't think much as she is overwhelmed by the scene before her.

again, i acted like a spoilt kid towards him

this gentle feeling is quite warm in my chest.

"- and so, this is my present for emilia tan"

as emilia is getting overwhelmed by a gush of emotions, Subaru continued talking and stretched out his hands

"eh? this is... a flower... crown?"

"yup. even though it might not seem much as compared to the real thing, just treat this as an audition for emilia's crowning ceremony in the future? one day, definitely, i will personally take the jeweled crown to give emilia as a present - even as i think that, this is all i can do now"

looking at this, emilia feel a bubbling sensation in her chest. at that instance, she put her hand at her chest. what was that feeling? as she think that, that sensation is already gone. but the warmth emanating from that made her smile.

"Subaru, thank you"

On that day, the most beautiful smile is born. Subaru held his breath, opened his mouth but was unable to make a sound. at that instance he was aware, just how hopelessly in love that he had become for that smile.

"if we can continue like this in the future, 'date', it will be nice"

at that moment, they wasn't prepared.

the smile that only belongs to Subaru, brought forth a surge of love and confidence,

that will eventually lead to their parting ways


((the last bit is hinting about ep 13 where he got too ahead of himself))

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