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Beako-Time in Arc 4, Part 3 (With Clown)

Subaru is surprised by Elsa appearing now, and Beatrice asks her how she got in here without her permission.

[Elsa : It's simple. It uses closed door to connect spaces... Opening all doors can reduce the number of choices.]

[Subaru : Opening all doors in the mansion... How could you do that without anyone... Whose blood is on your knife?]

[Elsa : Hint 1, wearing maid outfit. Hint 2, short hair. Hint 3, she died crying 'Subaru, Subaru.']

[Subaru : Elsa!]

Subaru pretends to charge into her, instead throws scattered papers on the floor blocking her sight. Then, he casts Shamac, which was proven to be effective against Elsa in previous loops unlike Julius.

He grabs Beatrice's hand and escape the Forbidden Archive, closing the door behind them. Beatrice relocate Forbidden Archive's exit while Subaru is in chaos.

Elsa was supposed to attack the mansion later, but, like his previous loops, Elsa always attacked the mansion on the day of Subaru's return, no matter how fast he returns. Elsa's timing of attack, knowledge on secret passage and solution to Door Crossing prove there's an insider helping Elsa, who he doubts is Frederica.

[Beatrice : Then, what are you going to do?]

[Subaru : It's obvious. First checking on Petra and Rem, then, escaping from this mansion with you. Or, are you going to fight her?]

[Beatrice : If that thing comes to kill Betty, standing still with no resistance can fulfill Betty's wish, I suppose.]

[Subaru : I brought you here fearing that. If you don't correct that, I will forcefully carry you out on my shoulder. Now what?]

[Beatrice : (Sigh) I can't choose where to die. but, at least I want to choose who kills me.]

[Subaru : Talk about that later. Let's go!]

While moving, irritated by her speed, Subaru holds her in his arms and runs, which Beatrice doesn't reject.

Along the way, They found Petra dead on a chair, with her stomach opened vertically.

Subaru again gains his resolve to revenge Elsa later, and asks Beatrice if she could use Door Crossing. Beatrice says it's unavailable because Elsa got out of Forbidden Archive with the door open. Subaru explains his relationship with Elsa, and that Frederica might have betrayed them.

[Subaru : Anyway, we must go to Rem. If we meet Frederica, can I depend on you?]

[Beatrice : Don't you have guts to protect the girl in love yourself? It's terrifying just imagining me considered the most precious by this man.]

They soon find Frederica standing in front of Rem's room. Unnoticed by her, they prepare to strike first with Subaru's Shamac. (Subaru asks her non-lethal magic, but Beatrice prepares shadow stakes, which looks definitely lethal)

However, Beatrice first realizes it's not what they thought. Frederica is also dead, stuck in the wall with Elsa's knife which looked like standing to them. Before Subaru open the door, Elsa finally arrives on the scene.

Beatrice fires the shadow stakes prepared before on her. Elsa dodges it with ease, but those stakes are separated into smaller pieces and surround her, which she couldn't dodge.

Subaru notices he's missing something important, and he's hit by Elsa's throwing knife. Elsa got out of Beatrice's magic without a scratch, just missing her coat.

[Elsa : This is 2nd time you saw my coat. You're really late on teaching her.]

Subaru draws the knife out and throws it on Elsa, and casts Shamac again. Elsa dodges it effortlessly but when an opening is made,

[Subaru : Beako!]

[Beatrice : Don't call me that!]

[Subaru : Show me the real shadow magic!]

[Beatrice : Ul Shamac.]

Enveloped in shadow, Subaru notices this one is different from his. Subaru's Shamac left some senses, but Beatrice's Ul Shamac erased everything including his senses and entity. He soon loses consciousness.

Subaru wakes up by Beatrice's face slapping. What he first saw was Elsa's corpse, skewered onto the wall with several shadow stakes. Checking her breath and pulse, Subaru confirms she's dead in disbelief.

They continue the discussion they couldn't finish before in Forbidden Archive, and Subaru decides he will take Beatrice into Sanctuary, although he already made up his mind to restart this world, because he sacrificed too much this time.

Then, Beatrice suddenly pushes Subaru aside, and Subaru see a knife coming out of her stomach.

[Beatrice : ...This]

[Beatrice : Finally...]

Beatrice dissolves into particles of light, and disappointed Elsa appears behind.

[Elsa : It's regretful. This is the first time opening a spirit's stomach, but it's gone instantly.]

Subaru is shocked that she's alive even when he confirmed her dead. Elsa non-lethally cuts and beats him up with her knife, confused on Rem,

[Elsa : I never heard about that girl.]

[Subaru : Then, can you just leave her?]

[Elsa : It's unexpected and I don't care. Targets were a spirit girl and a big maid. Little maid was just added.]

Facing his imminent death, Subaru quickly reminds what he gained in this loop. Elsa doesn't like his calm attitude, and beats him up until he loses consciousness. Final image he thought about is Beatrice's face with tear just before her death.

Long story short, when he wakes up, Elsa is gone, leaving both him and Rem alive.

When he enters the Sanctuary with Rem, it was snowing all over the place. Soon he meets Garfiel, who urges him to bring Emilia out of the crypt, thinking this snowstorm is caused by her.

Subaru meets completely broken Emilia. Leaving her inside the crypt, Subaru talks with Garfiel about who made Emilia that broken to depend on Subaru.

From all the information he gathered, he deduces Roswaal is behind this and persuades Garfiel to come with him.

Subaru and Garfiel together go to the house Roswaal stays, where they meet both Roswaal and Ram. Roswaal says it's funny Garfiel came here with Subaru, when he definitely heard Garfiel talking about tearing Subaru apart.

Subaru goes directly into the matter.

[Subaru : Roswaal. It's you making it snow outside.]

[Roswaal : Subaru-kun, have you heard it from me?]

Subaru is confused from his reaction, and when Roswaal doesn't deny it, Garfiel tries to charge in, only to be blocked by Ram.

[Roswaal : Ram, you're really a good follower.]

Then, Subaru cannot believe what he saw, when Roswaal penetrates both Garfiel's and Ram's chest with his bare hand.

[Roswaal : ...You really were a good follower.]

Garfiel tries to heal already dead Ram, (He has a crush on her) and automatically beastifies by receiving critical wound. Roswaal effortlessly blow his head off with a kick, killing him.

[Roswaal : Even I can't use other magic while casting this climate-influencing magic. This isn't appealing sight for the court magician. Then, let's talk, Subaru-kun.]

[Subaru : Why... did you kill Ram? Even Garfiel didn't...]

[Roswaal : I couldn't freely talk to you with Garfiel here. I feel sorry for Ram, but Garfiel cannot be killed this easily if it wasn't surprise attack... It's unexpected. I thought you would be angry with this.]

[Subaru : What are you trying to say?]

[Roswaal : What I want to say is this. Congratulation. Welcome. I was waiting for you there.]

[Subaru : Waiting for me... here?]

[Roswaal : Stop that wild guessing. You can understand it isn't that. Only you can understand this. Subaru-kun. You know why you can stay this calm facing those two's death. You are not that shocked from this. You might be surprised, might feel the fury, but no sorrow. You think like that because, you know you can revert all this, right?]

Subaru first fears the penalty of revealing Return by Death, but it doesn't come. Roswaal notices Subaru is fearing something.

[Roswaal : I don't know why you're on alert. Ah, that might be the condition for your contract. Then, I can understand your behavior or talk till now.]

[Subaru : You know what's happening to me?]

[Roswaal : If the writing is true, you must have the mean to retry again, don't you?]

[Roswaal : I will talk. You shouldn't answer me. It must be the reason you couldn't tell others about it, or fearing what might happen when others realize.]

[Roswaal : Yeah, power to redo the world is incredible, doesn't it? Messing with time is barely possible only with the ultimate shadow magic. Even Beatrice could make time stand still at best. Reversing time is dream within a dream... With your reaction, Beatrice must have fulfilled her duty.]

Subaru criticizes Roswaal for leaving Beatrice alone, but he refutes Subaru that no one can judge and corrupt Beatrice's action, not even by Subaru or himself.

[Roswaal : Beatrice accomplished her goal. I'm just envious of her, because my goal won't be accomplished by 'me'.]

Then Subaru asks why Roswaal created this snowstorm. He explains everyone will believe snowstorm is caused by Emilia and blame her, which will definitely make her broken and dependent on Subaru.

[Roswaal : You can't be distant with dependent Emilia-sama. Of course, you love her. If loving Emilia-sama depends everything on you, you can't refuse. Now you're saying no. It's just unfortunate for me. You have a little too many unnecessary things on you.]

[Subaru : Are you trying to kill me?]

[Roswaal : Why should I? I have to let you live because I must make you revert time.]

Subaru realizes Roswaal doesn't know about Return by Death in full detail, and calls Lewes's clones to fight Roswaal. Roswaal kills them all effortlessly with his fire magic, stopped casting climate magic. He wonders a little about how Subaru reverts the time, and faces the Great Rabbit just appeared with his fire magic.

Subaru is surprised on its earlier appearance than previous loops, Roswaal reveals it was mana of his magic which drew Great Rabbit into Sanctuary. Subaru argues with him to rescue others, but Roswaal rejects him.

[Roswaal : You've ran out of time, Subaru-kun. If the Trial isn't complete, no one can leave Sanctuary. You failed this time.]

Roswaal stops using fire magic on approaching rabbits.

[Subaru : Roswaal! Why did you stop! Out of mana?]

[Roswaal : No. My mana is almost infinite and won't run out easily. One that has just ran out is the reason for living.]

[Subaru : We have to talk this over clearly again! You think next time is okay but...]

[Roswaal : You've misunderstood one thing, Subaru-kun.]

[Subaru : What?]

[Roswaal : I can't revert when you does. When you revert time, it won't be me. I am just finished here.]

[Subaru : You're... not human.]

[Roswaal : Soon, you will be catching me up for real, Subaru-kun. Hear this carefully. It's about precious thing. Ditch every other things aside, and leave only the thing you think most precious. You have to protect only that, ignoring any other things. (Being eaten by rabbits) Then, you can become like me.]

Soon, Roswaal is completely swarmed by numerous rabbits, and eaten apart.

Continues onto Part 4

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