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Echidna's Contract

Part 1

I warn that below is serious spoiler for entire Arc 4, although most will not care.

This is continuation of Witches discussing Parallel World.,

and this is directly continued to What-If story I posted in the past.

For the casts, All 7 Witches of Sins(Including Satella) make appearance, including Subaru.

Prior to this, Carmilla appears in front of Subaru imitating Rem, but fails miserably when Subaru noticed she's talking different from real Rem. (She tried to make him fully dependent on her, as told by Echidna. Subaru notices real Rem would never tell him to depend fully on her, instead urges him to stand up again)

Subaru is furious on Echidna, wanting explanation on Carmilla imitating Rem. Echidna admits it was her ordering Carmilla to rescue Subaru from the Trial by imitating Rem. Subaru is calmed down hearing her explanation.

Subaru's most important question is about Parallel Worlds he saw, [Is Return by Death work as simple time travel, or is it work as Parallel Worlds?].

Echidna replies Witch of Envy is the only person who can answer that. Echidna comforts Subaru with the counseling, but Subaru continues his desperation.

[Subaru: When I finally reclaim Rem, is she really Rem I wanted to reclaim? You're telling me to not count what I couldn't save, but count only what I could save.]

[Echidna : I tell you exactly that. You should count only what you could save. I saw your journey before you barely arrived here.]

[Subaru : What do you know about me?]

[Echidna : I saw you struggling to survive with all your strength till now, so I can tell you haven't done a single useless thing. No one has right to call you out for your failure. You did everything you could. It's a thing to be proud of.]

[Subaru : I cannot admit it to anyone.]

[Echidna : I will, as the one who knows it.]

[Subaru : I cannot be judged by anyone.]

[Echidna : I will judge you, as the one who knows your sin.]

[Subaru : I cannot be justified by anyone.]

[Echidna : I will deny unacceptable you if you can't justify yourself.]

[Subaru : Why you're going far like that for me?]

[Echidna : It's mean of you to make a girl say that - Won't you make a contract with me, Natsuki Subaru?]

[Echidna : It's simple story. If you're up against the obstacle, I will think about solution with you. If you're wishing for someone's word, I will make an effort to bring it out with you. If you're about to be crushed by your sin, I will help you getting out of it.]

[Subaru : I thought you're dead and cannot mess with real world.]

[Echidna : I can overcome that if I want, and if you agree on. I'm not showing off, but I'm confident with my knowledge. I can provide solutions to most problems. You don't need to make an effort to persuade me what would happen. Of the all, I can understand your 'Return by Death'.]

Subaru feels really relieved from Echidna's words and about to make a contract, just when Minerva rushes in and interrupts it.

[Minerva : Not yet!]

Subaru is confused because he assumed no more than 2 witches can exist at the same time in this world, which Echidna explained she didn't tell him because she wanted monopoly on him. Minerva argues with Echidna for a while, and she fastens her arm around Subaru's neck to calm him down.

[Subaru : Why are you...]

[Minerva : If I didn't, you would make a contract deceived by her sweet talk. I am feeling wrath on your stupidity and no thought!]

[Echidna : You're wrong about sweet talk. I properly told him what he would gain with my contract, and about to make a conclusion.]

[Minerva : I don't like that attitude of explaining only good side, when you never told about the price of such contract!]

[Subaru : Even if you tell the price, that's not...]

[Minerva : That's not that big? You're really underestimating the importance of the contract. Even when your opponent is one of the Witches of Deadly Sins, Witch of Greed, who made the most contracts with humans and most strongly interfered with the history.]

Subaru is confused with who to believe. Echidna spent more time with him, comforting him with sharing the knowledge on Return by Death. He didn't spent much time with Minerva, but he remembers her as helpful healer who always healed him with benevolence.

Subaru asks what is the price of the contract, and Echidna answers with reddened face, that she wants to explore the unknown with Subaru, spectating his story from the VIP seat. When Subaru is almost persuaded by her, Carmilla comes out and supports Minerva.

[Carmilla : Echidna-chan is hiding... something... She hasn't made...a lie... just not revealing...whole truth.]

[Echidna : You abruptly came out and harm my honor. Why are you helping him? Unlike Minerva, you don't have any reason to help the person you hate.]

[Carmilla : Yes, I ... don't like... him... but... using me... to make him... Echidna-chan's ally? I won't admit... anyone.... who... deceives me....]

Subaru finally lost his temper and cries out,

[Subaru : Don't ignore me like that! I am the one who chooses here, and make me understand your words! Why are you try to stop me!]

[Echidna : I will repeat myself, Natsuki Subaru. If you choose me and contract with me, I will must take you to your goal.]

Sekhmet also appears and leave her comment on Echidna's words.

[Sekhmet : Echidna will surely fulfill her contract. But, she can do whatever she wants along the way until the contract is fulfilled at last.]

Subaru could finally understand what other witches meant till now, but he is in disbelief that Echidna really thought like that.

[Subaru : Accomplishing my goal with your cooperation - Does it always take the best route?]

[Echidna : ...]

[Subaru : Are you really willing to do your best for accomplishing my goal?]

[Echidna : ...]

[Subaru : Why are you silent? Answer, Echidna, Witch of Greed!]

[Echidna : Isn't it your determination that you could accept losses along the way to the best future?]

[Subaru : What?]

[Echidna : Your ability, Return by Death is great authority. You don't really understand its potential. You can never accept the undesired consequences and try again for anytime. That's the ultimate tool for any researcher. Originally, the consequence cannot be changed. You can make hypothesis for the result, but, when you really make a trial on it, you can have only one result from it. No one can make the exact same condition for re-trial. What could you gain from different condition before? That's just dream for us researchers. I definitely has the mean to know everything with 'World's Record'. But, I don't really like using it. I want to know, not just for knowledge itself, but I value the effort spent for knowledge. Because of that, it is ironically despicable for me. Our talk has derailed for the moment. To return to the main talk, yes, I am envious of your ability. You can have 'different result' in the 'exact same condition'. How could I pass that ability? How could I pass the opportunity to test everything with that? Of course, I don't want to force you into using it. You just have to use it for yourself. I will make every effort for the future you want, and fulfill my curiosity along the way. I won't get punished for this much, do I? You get the result. I fulfill my curiosity, our interests are matching here. I don't know everything and I can't intentionally take you to the worst consequence. You and I are equal that we don't have exact solution for everything. You could call me comrade for thinking solution on the same problem together. I am declaring this without shame. I will never prevent you from reaching solution, as I am favorable of you. Of course, on some problems, you could have difficulty getting through even with my knowledge, because I cannot directly interact with reality. If your obstacle needs physical strength, I cannot be any help of you. You can harm your body and mind for indefinite times. On those occasions, I would want to heal your mind with sincerity. I won't assure that there is no concern for my curiosity. But, it is real that I want to be your strength. So I don't want to be hated by you. Again, I can proudly declare that I am helpful for achieving your goal. As I use you for my greed on knowledge, you can freely use me to reach your desirable future. I am content to be a convenient girl and devote myself for you. I don't know if you would want this scanty and dead body. Oops. This must be a rude one for two girls you're determined to protect - Silver half-elf and Blue Oni-girl. I don't want to evaluate you for your thought on those two girls. But, obstacles blocking your way is beyond your imagination. Your determination to clear them all yourself is really valuable, but also miserable to see. I am not lying to you for becoming your strength. And you have to use me to. You must use everything at your disposal to reach your future and help those you think dear. That's what you're determined for. I will repeat it again. Path paved with your lives is proven by 2nd Trial. I even think 2nd Trial exists solely to make you accept your way. It was unbearable sight to your mind. However, I consider it is better to know even the most tragic truth and you have to reach the future, paying your lives to 'Return by Death' as you did till now. For that, you have to cherish your memory of those possible Parallel Worlds. Even if you become a person indifferent to any death, including your own or those precious, it is better than the future without you. There is nothing useless in this world. Everything is needed puzzle pieces. To understand that, you needed the Trial. If you need any meaning for your temporary stop here, think like this. And, I will agree on your thought. I will give you any words to keep you going. whispering of love, soothing, or wrath, I don't hesitate to use any words to keep your strength. I am absolutely needed for your future struggle. If you're going to walk solitary path of hurt, you need the person who can walk along. And I, no other people but I can do that. I repeat this, and repeating this anytime - You need me, and I need you, your existence. I can't satisfy my curiosity without you. Only talking with you can fulfill my curiosity. You can be the only person who can satisfy my 'Greed'. I can't rule out your existence from this enclosed space of mine. If you want to be the hope of people you dearly think, can you share little bit of compassion to me? If you do that, I don't hesitate to give my body, soul, and knowledge to you. So, I eagerly want you to believe me. I haven't been hiding my true intention to deceive you. I was only looking for good timing. If I was telling this from the start, you wouldn't come closer to me. It would be unacceptable loss for me. Of course, it would be a loss for you, too. As the user of 'Return by Death', you will surely achieve your goal sometime. But, you have to reduce the price of reaching it. I can minimized that. I won't assure you I can refrain from not telling you the necessity for better future just to see the consequence. I admit that. But, I won't deceive you. If I did that, I will never hide it from you. I will reveal it and try to regain your trust doing whatever I can. I will take you to the future you want no matter what. So, won't you choose me? I told you everything I want. I am determined to pay any price. I told you my determination, and I want to hear yours. You should prove you have confidence to reach the future you want. You can have pride of passing 2nd trial only if you do that. Challenging 3rd Trial and liberating the Sanctuary. This is the Trial you must pass for people you dearly think. Show me you have strength and courage to overcome that. And obtain me and my knowledge to achieve your future. Those are what I want from you, what I require from you, and what I can give to you. I revealed everything with sincerity. What's your decision? Teach me, fulfill my curiosity.]

(For TL;DR, Echidna basically claims she will sometimes not reveal essential information to see him suffer in different ways.)

Subaru is deeply disappointed by her true intention. Continuing discussion and ruminating his interactions with Echidna so far, he now notices every emotion Echidna showed till now is all fake.

[Subaru : Your expression is all fake. When you showed happiness or anger, your expression is really shallow. I thought you were easy to befriend because of that. But, in truth, you can't sympathize with other's emotion. (Noticing her expressionless face) This is also the part where you should feel anger.]

[Echidna : Is it? Did I have to raise my voice and swear to you? Well, I will try that next time.]

Echidna still tries to make a contract with him, saying those petty details are not important when there is potential gain from the contract. And Subaru asks her final question, imagining the last moment when the certain girl was killed by a stab with dagger.

[Subaru : Do you know Beatrice?]

[Echidna : Yes. I was deeply involved in her creation. What did she do?]

[Subaru : You ordered her to stay in the mansion and wait for 'That Person', right?]

[Echidna : Yes, although I didn't specify the location.]

[Subaru : Then, who is 'That Person'? How can I free her from the duty?]

[Echidna : Who's that, I wonder?]

Subaru is confused, and Echidna corrects his thought.

[Echidna : I didn't ordered her like what you thought. I made her to wait for 'That Person', and see who she could choose. She was originally made for certain purpose, but when it became invalid, I had to let her live differently. To give her the purpose of living, I made a contract with her.]

[Subaru : That's...]

[Echidna : Maintain Forbidden Archive and give it to 'That Person'. There's no limitation, because there is no true answer. I used her as intended and I can watch what her choice is. How rational, isn't it? Of course, not choosing anyone and spending 400 years is also a consequence. Agonizing over abandoning the contract or not, and choosing her own death is also one of consequences.]

[Subaru : What do you think about that?]

[Echidna : Isn't it splendid?]

Subaru makes up his mind and declares to Echidna,

[Subaru : Echidna, you're the Witch, incomprehensible monster beyond human imagination.]

[Subaru : I won't choose you. I already decided who to choose. There is a girl who spent 400 years for your naive and innocent order. I will choose her, and not you.]

Echidna is smiling at his decision, and it is when the Witch of Envy appears behind them.

Part 2

Beware of serious spoiler for Arc 4 below. Although this story is no longer about simple contract, this is continuation of Echidna's Contract, Part 1. So, read it first for better understanding.

I originally intended this to be 2 parts. But considering the readable length, this would take one more part to finish.

This is first time Subaru faces the real Witch of Envy. He couldn't have any good impression on her, as she is the source of his pain and she is also the Witch, which he got the worst impression from the interaction with Echidna.

She is wearing a black dress weaved with shadows, but he can't see her face enveloped in shadow.

However, what made him surprise is that other 4 Witches (Echidna, Minerva, Sekhmet, Carmilla) all had different expression, and only Echidna shows hostility, which is hard to understand considering Witch of Envy killed them all.

(And that when he thought Echidna was emotionless, this time Echidna shows clear hostility to Witch of Envy)

Minerva approaches her. While Subaru tries to keep Minerva from going because he thinks she's thoughtless monster, Sekhmet and Carmilla support Minerva's action. Only person resenting is Echidna, who wants to kill her outright with Sekhmet's power. Echidna explains to Subaru Witches are not that easy to see through, and explains the situation.

[Echidna : If I try everything to destroy her, I will turn other Witches hostile. Excluding Minerva, I can't withstand against both Sekhmet and Typhon.]

[Subaru : I don't understand the story, why you trying to destroy Witch of Envy turns other hostile to you? She's same foe for everyone here...]

[Carmilla : Envy being... our...killer is.... true... but that... and that child... are.... different...]

[Sekhmet : If we don't know who she is, first strike from here is outright mistake.]

And Minerva's question finally answers his question.

[Minerva : Are you Witch of Envy? Or Satella?]

And the shadow finally notices Minerva and turns her head.

It is ground-breaking fact for Subaru that Satella and Witch of Envy are different entities.

Minerva continues her chat to her,

[Minerva : I never forget your face when you consumed me. I always thought I was your best friend among 5, excluding Typhon, I thought so.. and because I thought so... Do you know what I feel being ignored now?!]

Minerva instantly charges with her fist, and stops right before her face, and she confirms it is not Witch of Envy, but Satella herself. Echidna still doesn't believe and tries to kill her, but Sekhmet stands down, agreeing with Minerva.

[Minerva : What are you waiting for? Come here fast.]

[Subaru : What?]

[Minerva : Aren't you a man? I already proved her harmlessness, and why shouldn't you come here? Is it wrong? Or do you need more preparation? If you can't cross the bridge when everyone is crossing, how should I make you cross it?!]

[Subaru : Don't heat up yourself! I'm not cowered! I just don't understand the reason! From the start, what do you mean Satella and Witch of Envy are different!]

Echidna explains when people without aptitude consume Witch-genes, they can develop split personality as a side-effect. However, she corrects Subaru that [It is Satella who consumed other 6 Witches and the half of the world, not Witch of Envy.]

Of course, Subaru can't understand that they can stand the personality (Satella) which killed them, but not the other personality (Witch of Envy)

[Echidna : I always claim there is no need for differentiation... but I can't persuade them. So, I can't ignore their intention and turn them hostile on me. Even I cannot return from destruction of soul in this world.]

[Subaru : But, it is you managing other 5 witches' souls. If you're gone, then others are...]

[Echidna : They are all accepting their own death. So, they don't care living more as souls. If they have to turn their belief to survive, they will surely choose death. They are not called as Witches for nothing.]

Subaru still cannot understand why Witch of Envy killed other Witches, and why they are accepting their own death. And he still don't know why Satella came here, and what is the difference between Satella and Witch of Envy.

Minerva again calls Subaru that Satella has came here to see him, and hesitating Subaru directly faces Satella. Echidna says it is Subaru's mind that refuses to see Satella's face.

Satella abruptly reach her hands in front of Subaru's face, and mutters one sentence.

[Satella : I am in love with you, and you only.]

(Subaru is suddenly shocked by her voice, and feels love on her, which he rejects with all his strength.)

[Subaru : Stop...]

[Satella : In love with you]

[Subaru : Please stop...]

[Satella : I am in love with you, and you only.]

[Subaru : I said, stop! Who are you? What have you done to me! Like Return by Death, is it mind influencing ability?!]

[Subaru : Both you and Echidna... This place is filled with incomprehensible monsters! I've had enough of this place!]

[Echidna : I don't want to be grouped with that thing. If you're trying to group that thing under Witch, that thing is even below Witch to me. Although 'incomprehensible' part is true enough.]

[Subaru : Shut up. I haven't forgotten your black-heart. I've fed up. There is no meaning for this place. Let me out of here. I don't want to be related with any of you anymore! I don't need your cooperation. I have to do everything alone from the start - ]

[Minerva : So? Again dying and repeating, excusing yourself 'I'm doing this for information gathering'? Wow. What? Do you have something to say?]

[Subaru : You don't have any right to say that. Every pain from Return by Death is my own problem.]

[Miernva : It's really convenient for you to think you're determined to be hurt. Even when others are looking at you being disemboweled and broken, you can still make excuse of yourself being the most suffering.]

[Minerva : When you get the most distinguishing wounds, you don't have to hear others who are hurt from your behavior. You're the most suffering, the most wounded, the most painful, and shuts up all other voices.]

[Subaru : You're claiming that I'm showing off my tragedy to make others silent? That I am directing my own desperation?!]

[Minerva : I'm notgoing that far, but your conclusion of being the most hurt person is really disgraceful. I can't understand both Echidna and Satella, but your way of behavior is even worse than the Witches.]

[Minerva : Especially, to me who punches the every wounded to heal them, your way of life is on opposed-pole. Then, this child won't get any reward.]

[Subaru : Won't get any... reward?]

Subaru starts to laugh out loud.

[Subaru : Then, why did I have to choose this lifestyle? Why did I adopted the behavior you think disgraceful? It is obvious conclusion from my specialty.]

[Subaru : You! made me! Like this!]

[Subaru : It is only me that has to be hurt and feel the pain! Only me! No matter how I am hurt, I won't let any others feel despair! From the start to the end, only I have to be hurt! What's wrong with that!]

[Subaru : I already told you you're incomprehensible. But sorry, even you have something I feel grateful for. I have only one thing to show you my gratitude. Thanks for letting me Return by Death. Without this, I couldn't save any precious thing. I will continue to rely on this power.]

Subaru already made up his mind to continue his fight, when Rem rejected his offer to run away from everything. To remain as Rem's hero, he cannot run away from anything.

[Subaru : So, I am grateful only for the power you gave me. Even useless guy like me could - ]

[Satella : Don't...]

[Subaru : Could...]

[Satella : Don't cry, Don't get hurt, Don't feel pain, Don't make sad face.]

[Satella : So, love you.]

[Subaru : Again you're controlling my emotion and trying to be loved, I won't fall like...]

[Satella : It's not. Love yourself more.]

[Subaru : What are you talking about...]

[Satella : Don't get hurt, think yourself more precious.]

[Subaru : You gave me the power of Return by Death. This power makes me hurt myself to advance.]

[Satella : I love you. So, you, you should love yourself.]

[Subaru : If I don't have this power, I am left with nothing! You should know, too! I don't have any power! Knowledge, skill, power, nothing! Only thing I have is Return by Death! Then, only thing I could use is my own life!]

[Satella : Don't be sad.]

[Subaru : I have already experienced every death. I am okay with that! If I am the only one suffering, I am okay with it!]

[Satella : Don't be in pain.]

[Subaru : If I suffer the most, experience the most, and protect everyone, nobody has to feel pain except me. I don't want anything more than that!]

[Satella : Don't cry.]

[Subaru : No one cares about me! No one cares what I become! When others can obtain their future, no matter how I'm in tatters... Leaving no one...]

[Subaru : I don't have... Rem...]

[Sekhmet : Just a sobbing child.]

[Sekhmet : Crying, shouting, complaining, all alone, that's just a child left alone.]

Which all other Witches agree on with silence, and it is when new Witch appears.

[Typhon : Baru, are you crying? Who made him cry? Tella? Why? Long time no see!]

And Typhon go around everyone looking for culprits.

[Typhon : Mommy, did you wrong Baru? Are you evil, mommy?]

[Sekhmet : Your mother doesn't have vigor to be evil. I don't want to work, and I don't want to make you work, neither.]

[Typhn : Rva? You're not.]

[Minerva : Why nobody asks me? I am not always soothing others. Sometime, I feel the violence rising and hurt other... others... could I?!]

[Typhon : It must be Dna. Dna, you again did evil thing? Are you evil?]

[Echidna : Why do you assume it's me? I'd like to ask that to your mother. Anyway, I feel nostalgia of 400 years before, when only person left to gather is Daphne.]

[Daphne : You called Daphne now, didn't you? (Smells nearby) Suba-rung and even Tella-Tella? Isn't it magnificent? All 7 Witches of Sins are gathered, and even sage candidate is here...]

[Echidna : Daphne. He isn't there yet.]

Witch of Pride is there to judge the person who made the boy cry.

Witch of Wrath is clenching her fists to fulfill the wish of a friend besides her.

Witch of Sloth is looking for any sudden movement and ready to use her power.

Witch of Lust is thinking of her safety only.

Witch of Gluttony is thinking whose finger should satisfy her stomach best.

Witch of Greed is wary of every witch presents, but watching everything with curiosity.

And Witch of Envy, no, Satella is...

[Satella : I love you, because you gave me light, because you took my hand and taught me of the outside world. Because in the night I was trembling in loneliness, you stayed by my side and held my hand. Because you kissed the lonely me, telling me I wasn't alone. I received a lot of things from you. So, I love you, because you gave me everything.]

Subaru trembles in fear, because he can somehow understand her love. When he couldn't reject her with words, he choose to bite his tongue. All witches respect his choice, except Minerva.

[Minerva : Bastard!]

However, charging Minerva is stopped by Typhon,

[Typhon : Baru choose it himself! Rva shouldn't interrupt him!]

[Minerva : I don't allow any suicide or murder in front of me! Who cares the wounded heart? I don't care invisible wounds! But I would never pass visible wound!]

Minerva punches Typhon to knock her away, but her right arm is shattered after the contact. She doesn't care about her own wound and advance, only to be crushed by Sekhmet's power.

[Minerva : Don't interfere! Sekhmet!]

[Sekhmet : I can't. I am his emotional ally, and also ally of Typhon. There's no reason why I shouldn't interfere with you.]

Daphne and Carmilla are neutral, Echidna is purely observing whole situation, and Satella is deeply shaken.

[Satella : Why don't you realize? Obvious fact that you must be included in the list of precious people you want to protect.]

About to die, Subaru almost made up his mind to continuosly use his life as expendable asset.

[Satella : What have you seen in the Trials?]

Her words starts his reminiscence of his past and Trials, seeing his parents, other's reaction when he died, and finally ending with the words which started everything, 'Help me'

[Subaru : I don't want to die...]

Hearing it, Minerva, who lost all her limbs except left arm, crawls to Subaru and headbutts him to heal him.

Continues onto Part 3

TL1 : Borrowed whole Satella translation (just before he bit his tongue) from this perfect fanart.. Don't know who did that, but thanks.

TL2 : Well, don't argue with me that people biting one's own tongue cannot kill themselves. Artistic license here.

Part 3

Beware of serious spoiler for Arc 4 below. This is direct continuation of Echidna's Contract, Part 2. So, read it first for better understanding.

Sadly, this part is not the real end, and we just have one more part left, without Subaru and Satella.

Minerva heals herself by biting her shoulder and punching her thigh. Subaru is still in confused state and they discuss little about the 2nd trial.

[Subaru : But, 2nd Trial showed my failures, my sins...]

[Minerva : Aren't you stupid? That Trial didn't mean to blame you for your failure. It is there to show you how your failure made others sad. Isn't that the answer you sought for?]

[Satella : I forgive you. I was saved by you. So, I allow you to save yourself. I wish you to be saved yourself.]

It is when Echidna comments on Daphne and Carmilla's intervention.

[Echidna : I am surprised by Minerva going through Typhon and Sekhmet, but I am even more surprised by you two's behavior.]

Daphne used her coffin to hold down Typhon, and used her as hostage to prevent Sekhmet's movement. Daphne's coffin is mindless and immune to Typhon's authority, and Sekhmet doesn't understand the reason Daphne acts now.

[Daphne : Suba-rung talked big in front of Daphne. What, White Whale's dead and Great Rabbit is next? Then, at least I should see him trying.]

[Echidna : Funny idea. If he wishes, then it must come true. You must know that and want to kill Great Rabbit?]

[Daphne : Who cares? Their hunger is irrelevant to Daphne's hunger and I don't care where they die. But, I am interested in how Great Rabbit is destroyed, which is manifestation of Daphne's own endless hunger. If it ends fulfilled, it is unknown happiness to Daphne.]

Then, Echidna turns to Carmilla and asks her reason to act, because she used her authority to prolong dying Subaru's consciousness, enabled him to reach conclusion even when Carmilla hated him.

[Carmilla : There's no... such reason... I was satisfied enough... by making him... refuse Echidna-chan's contract... I didn't want... the fight here... to reach... me... so... just...]

[Echidna : Just?]

[Carmilla : Love... is really important matter... Do not... underestimate... it... Even that child... refused to see... there definitely is... love... I don't want... it to be unrequited... ]

[Echidna : Sekhmet and Typhon respected his decision. Minerva healed him valuing his life. Daphne helped her to see him fights. Carmilla used her authority to teach him the love. Everyone tried to save Natsuki Subaru - Isn't that really amusing?]

[Subaru : Who are you guys... Curiosity, sympathy, compassion, duty, expectation, hatred, I understand your reasons to help me, and know why you guys are called Witches.]

Echidna again asks him to make contract, and Subaru thinks if he really has courage to sacrifice himself, he should make contract with her.

[Subaru : Echidna, I fear being hurt. I don't like pain, sadness, don't want to think about it, and don't want to see others suffer. I don't want to die.]

[Subaru : So, I can't agree on your contract, which assumes my death.]

[Echidna : But that's route of hardship, Natsuki Subaru. Considering your own death as asset for your goal, it is somewhat brutal but fastest route to future. Only price to pay was your heart. Rejecting my offer and trying to protect both your heart and precious people's future is really difficult, and it's definitely...]

[Echidna : Greed.]

And she smiles even with her contract's refusal.

[Echidna : Ignorant and pitiful Garfiel fears the world outside the barrier.]

[Subaru : What?]

[Echidna : 1st Trial he saw still binds him inside the barrier. If you want to solve the problem on your own, you should first take off his bind.]

[Subaru : Echidna?]

[Echidna : If I am the only Witch to let you go empty hand, it's ridiculous. I don't like you to think 'All other Witches were good, but only Echidna was bad.' Anyway I'm still a girl, and favorable to you.]

[Subaru : I don't understand any of you. I am still confused and angry on you guys talking about me I don't know, and won't come to like any of you.]

[Subaru : Thank you for leaving me to death. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for giving me precious words. I feel grateful for that.]

Subaru bows his head to each Witch, and walks toward Satella, giving her hand.

[Subaru : I don't know you, I don't understand why you love me, and why you thinks I helped you. But, 'Return by Death' you gave me definitely helped. I depended fully on it and came here.]

[Subaru : You meant Return by Death is only one of options available to me? Don't fully depend on it and love myself more, is what you're talking about? I can't simply decide on, but it is you who made me fearful of death. So, I will try to love myself little more.]

[Satella : Are you okay?]

[Subaru : It's easier than dying.]

Satella grabs his hand, and the world falls apart leaving only two, which reveals Satella's face.

[Satella : Don't think alone. Think it with the people who love you. Resist with people who won't let you die and people who you want to protect. Even when you can't reach the future, die with the fear of death. Don't forgot there's people who feel sad for your death.]

Satella he finally saw has silver hair and purple eyes with tear.

[Satella : Then, someday, you must come to kill me.]

Satella is gone, and Subaru talks to himself just before returning to real world.

[Subaru : I will definitely save you.]

Continues onto Part 4, more like behind the scene.

And, for my deleted post (Maybe it needed NSFW I guess?), I will try adding other funny stories in Arc 4 and repost it later. It's hard to repost that for the 3rd time.

Part 4

Beware of spoiler below for Arc 4, This is final part about Echidna's Contract, which is more like after-story.

Of course, read this after you read other parts.

[Sekhmet : Are you okay with leaving him like that?]

[Echidna : It was his decision and I want to respect his choice, although I felt something when he got out of this world holding her hand.]

After-story starts with Echidna scolding Minerva to use her healing ability more considerately.

[Echidna : I bear the result of your behavior unlike when you're alive. The world took the burden then, and even you can imagine that burden directly comes to me in this world with your head.]

Minerva seems to be the most friendly and harmless Witch among the 7. She actually saved thousands of people with her ability in life. However, she also indirectly caused comparable damages.

Her healing is the Authority of Wrath, which bends cause and effect to heal. However, it consumes insane amount of mana from the world, causing mana-related disaster all over the world, which might have killed more or less than she saved. Thus, Witch of Wrath was considered as the most dangerous Witch among them by the nations that time.

[Minerva : Does that child look like to do well? I am really worrying.]

[Echidna : He should be. He rejected me and will struggle to do better. I don't think he can make answer yet.]

[Minerva : What's that attitude? You made him reject you intentionally and try to hide it to us, even when we all noticed it? Isn't it meaningless?]

[Echidna : I didn't really made him reject me. I just didn't care whether he rejected me or not. I respect choice and the results. I don't really care about the results. Fact that you choose, fact that you didn't choose, both are accomplishment. I don't care whether result is good or bad.]

[Daphne : While saying about respecting result, Dna-Dna never hesitate to manipulate the result to what Dna-Dna wants. It must be true you didn't care, but it's also true you wanted this, isn't it?]

[Echidna : You're always getting to the point, when you have little interest on others.]

[Typhon : Dna doesn't seem innocent. Not being innocent means you're liar. Liar is evil. Dna, are you evil?]

[Echidna : I am acting sincerely on my greed. I haven't made a lie, yet.]

Echidna is always considerate on Typhon, choosing her words not to hurt her mood. It might endanger everyone here because of Typhon's Authority of Pride, which haven't shown its true potential.

[Sekhmet : Minerva, when are you going to loosen up? We already reached consensus this would happen when the Sage candidate arrives here.]

[Minerva : Stop that. I know we have agreed on. But I haven't decided completely unlike you, yet.]

Daphne interrupts Sekhmet and Minerva's conversation, and both look at Daphne with discontent.

Witches' Tea Party was somewhat balanced. But, because everyone had distinctive personality, it wasn't rare to see the arguments. Especially, always rushing Minerva and inactive Sekhmet had a few arguments. Every time, Daphne interrupted them and ended the argument ambiguously.

Minerva getting angry, Sekhmet dealing with her, Daphne interrupting them, Carmilla caring for Typhon to calm down, Echidna observing them happily, –– and Satella watching them over with a smile.

It was what happened 400 years ago, which will never come back.

Satella gone insane absorbing Witch-genes.

Minerva maddened to her death in a trap.

Carmilla burnt in a fire.

Daphne starved to her death on the desert.

Typhon drowned in the flood.

Sekhmet fell from the Great Waterfall in a fight against the Dragon.

Only Echidna was able to collect 5 souls and became the soul herself.

This is the incomplete reenact of that time, which will never return.

[Carmilla : Echidna-chan... you're having... a sad face...]

[Echidna : Why? I don't have any reason to be sad. You guys are here, and I often have the opportunity to contact with the real world. I don't need more than this.]

[Carmilla : Are you okay with that? We... we're... just souls... and real us... are gone... We're already... dead... and are not same.... as Echidna-chan.]

Echidna loses her word for a instance.

It is Echidna's power maintaining other Witches' souls who lost their body. However, their souls stayed the same from their death and didn't show any change. Is Carmilla looking at her real Carmilla? Or, is she just a doll created by Echidna's wish, acting on the soul's memory?

Actually, they also share the knowledge Echidna had. How could she not assure they're just creation of her? She have thought that for several times already.

Echidna hides her true feelings and calls others to announce something.

[Echidna : Then, this party will be ours alone again for a while. Natsuki Subaru won't come here, maybe never.]

[Minerva : Are you okay with that? I'm not talking about you being lonesome or not. You always talked loud about price or something.]

[Echidna : Price? Ah, there was. If I tell you it was free this time for his expected struggle, are you all going to laugh at me?]

[All : Never.]

[Echidna : Wow, I was considered above my expectation...]

[Minerva : But, you never help others without the price.]

All other Witches agree on Minerva.

[Echidna : I have many things to discuss with you guys. Really, what do you think of me?]

[Echidna : But, anyway... It isn't completely wrong~]

What was the price in each party?

First Tea Party : Entire memory of Echidna, which can be remembered by hearing the name of Echidna again from others. Subaru forgot Echidna even in the start of earlier loops (before he had a 2nd meeting)

Second Tea Party : Echidna gave him magically strengthened handkerchief, which Subaru uses to kill himself. (She already expected the outcome)

Thrid Tea Party (Now) : Entire qualification about Witch of Greed. He can no longer enter the crypt, which means he can never meet Echidna again or take the Trial instead of Emilia. (Which Subaru speculates it will remain gone even if he returns by Death)

Now this is finished, I will continue my translation on... a clown or a drill-haired girl? It's difficult choice, isn't it?

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