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Witches discussing Parallel World

This is Witch's Tea Party in Arc 4, written as an intermission to Subaru's 2nd Trial (Which is intended to show the challenger Parallel World, and gone horribly right for Subaru's case)

Again for clarifying casts, although I think most people already know them.

Echidna : Greed

Minerva : Wrath

Sekhmet : Sloth

Daphne : Gluttony

Typhon : Pride

Carmilla : Lust

From the start, 3 Witches (Echidna, Sekhmet, and Minerva) are seated around the tea table. Echidna starts the discussion with the concept of Parallel World, which no one takes serious. Sekhmet is bored, and Minerva thinks it's ridiculous.

[Echidna : It isn't that ridiculous. My previous example was too small, and there might be better example.]

[Minerva : What is that?]

[Echidna : For example, okay, what would happen if you abandoned the encircled elves on Boroid Plain? ...Hmm, I thought you would become angry.]

[Minerva : Why I don't get angry? Because, even if same scene is repeated for over thousand times, I will always rush into there. Your so-called Parallel World couldn't happen! (Smashing the table with her leg) What's so funny about?]

[Echidna : Well, your behavior was manly and I can see your underwear.]

[Minerva : Haaa! Baka! I won't hear you! Baka! Baka! Aren't you Baka? Baka! Baka! Really, Baka!...Urrgh... Baka!]

[Sekhmet : No matter how discussion has gone, if it comes to underwear, it's vulgar Minerva's fault.]

[Minerva : You're the last person I want to hear that from, Sekhmet. That robe is your only cloth. How long have you been wearing that?]

Sekhmet ignores her and Echidna continues discussion.

[Echidna : If you won't accept example before, then, what would happen if Flugel didn't made the covenant with Volcanica?]

[Minerva : Reid alone couldn't have defeated her, and the whole world would be consumed.]

[Echidna : Consumed or whatever, would the world existed with only Witch of Envy left? If that universe existed as parallel, it would be interesting, right?]

[Minerva : I can feel your hatred when you're talking about her. I don't really hate that child. I can't agree with your wrath.]

[Echidna : That is also possible answer. Your wrath can be understood. Because of that, you were the most lovable Witch among us.]

[Minerva : I don't want to be loved. Only thing I wanted is to destroy the moaning of pain with my fist and end the conflict in this world. Besides that, I don't need anything. My wrath and this healing fists are my everything.]

[Daphne : Talking like that, but complimented NerNer smiling is really cute. NerNer being dishonest is really Witch-class cuteness, isn't it? Daphne really likes it to the point of eating.]

Daphne appears and teases Minerva with her underwear, reducing her to [Baka! Baka!] again. Echidna continues the discussion with Daphne, who ate everything including the table with her skin.

[Echidna : What do you think about it, Daphne?]

[Daphne : I have no idea about that. It doesn't satisfy my hunger thinking about what if. But, if I think about the dinner being meat or fish, it doesn't feel like that ridiculous.]

Sekhmet concludes it is meaningless thought on Parallel World if you can't experience it. Echidna agrees but Minerva brings up the 2nd Trial, where you can experience exactly that.

[Echidna : 2nd Trial reads challenger's mind, and generates 'Impossible Present' where he made a different choice in the past. It is somewhat easier than 1st Trial or 3rd Trial.]

Echidna explains that 2nd Trial is completed when challenger could accept the reality, no matter how he thinks about the Parallel World.

[Daphne : Then, why Suba-rung is suffering like that? I don't think Suba-rung is a boy lacking in confidence.]

[Echidna : 2nd Trial is observation of Parallel World. It is the result of regret in the past, and can be easily accepted or denied. Because Parallel World can be even better than the reality.]

[Echidna : He is the only exception. 2nd trial being that suffering for him is out of expectation even to me. Really.]

[Daphne : DnaDna, I can smell your happiness.]

[Minerva : Must be happy about going out of expectation, you black-hearted pervert.]

[Echidna : Birds of a feather flock together. You can't avoid that being my friends.]

Soon, Typhon and Carmilla joins them. Typhon plays with Sekhmet's hair (It is explained Sekhmet is Typhon's foster parent), while Echidna orders Carmilla to bring Subaru out of the Trial by imitating Rem.

Speculation : Most fans assume Boroid Plain is where Minerva died, falling into a trap and maddened to her death.

This will be continued onto my next synopsis of Echidna trying to make contract with Subaru, which is one of the most climactic scene in Arc 4.

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